Thursday, April 14, 2011

3 Eyelashes.

Today I heard a commercial for stuff that makes your eyelashes grow. Remember that one time when I ripped out all my eyelashes with my eyelash curler? (those things are vicious!) It was quite a traumatic experience for me. It's a weird situation; you don't want to not wear makeup, but then you have one eye with a full set of eyelashes and another eye with like 3. You can't just wear one eye with mascara.....

I won't lie, I wore mascara on both hoping no one would notice. Every morning I delicately brushed mascara on my sparse set of lashes trying not to get mascara all over my eyelid. Horrible horrible couple of months. I remember mom coming to visit me in the colony. The first thing she said to me was, "What happened to your eyelashes?!" Thanks mom.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Kenny G

We listened to Kenny G a lot. I heard one of his songs today and it took me back to late night road trips in our bubble van. We would take the seats out of the middle of it and make a little bed for us. I remember driving to Eagar once. It was late at night and I was just gazing at the stars. Kenny G was playing. It was so peaceful. I always thought that Papa and Grandpa Don were in the stars. Mmmm Kenny G!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I just popped a gum ball in my mouth a few seconds ago. Yep, we still got leftovers from the reception. Anyway, I was immediately taken back to Gumpma and Granny Margaret's cute little pink house house. Granny Margaret always had bleeding hearts, the plant of course, planted along with her roses. But remember their cool gum ball machine? They would always give us pennies while we were visiting so we could get some of that scrumptiousness. The pink ones were always my favorite. Or was it the white? Either way, I miss that. 

We also had ninja turtle plastic chairs--we would all gather outside on the lawn in our lawn chairs to watch the sunset. We would pick fresh peas and raspberries. They always had those delicious popsicles --the kind that split down the middle. The blue were my favorite. Granny also had those old little figurines--2 of them were small deer---random. We would play with those things all the time. 

Granny Margaret always made her potato salad and fried chicken and we would set up the picnic table outside. MMMMMM! Then for dessert if we were lucky we would have her homemade ice cream cake. 

So many lovely memories!

Brer Rabbit

I loved loved when Dad would read to us at nights. Especially when he busted out the Brer Rabbit stories. Dad had the best accent for those stories and the story of the Tar Baby is the one that I remember the most. I also remember Where the Red Fern Grows and Sounder. They all bring back the wonderful, peaceful, lightning bug-filled summer nights in Kentucky. I miss those days!


A couple weeks ago Dad was visiting Andy and I. He had come up for a conference. It just so happened that there was a basketball game on the weekend he was here. It was so fun! The atmosphere of a BYU basketball game is incredible. Plus, we got to watch Jimmer play! Wooo hooooo! During half time, the Cougarettes (the BYU dance team) performed. They are 8 time national champs. Obviously they are pretty good. Well, Dad was just glued to their half time show. After they were finished he let out a big "PHHHEWWW! That was technically sound!" It was probably one of the funniest things. Andy and I still say it. Dad knows what's up!

Monday, March 28, 2011


I was in my American literature class and my professor was talking about times when we have perhaps been deceived by someone. I thought of a great story that happened to me about 2 years ago that i haven't talked about in a really long time. I feel it should be documented.

So I'm working at my Dad's office one summer. A middle aged couple comes trudging in. I say trudging because they looked horrid. They were dressed in rags and were quite sweaty to be descriptive. They seemed a little wacked but of course I helped them anyway. They said they had been to the emergency room and they had just told them they were dehydrated. But something was definitely wrong with these people. I went to the back and got them a drink of water. I got back and decided I just needed to call the ambulance. I can't even remember what they said was wrong. But I sure found out later.

I got the Mr. a wheelchair and wheeled him out to the parking lot--the Mrs. said she would drive him back to the ER. They didn't want the ambulance to come. Suddenly the man just started yammying all over. I felt so bad for him and I'm pretty sure I even offered to drive them to the ER--I did this a lot with my Dad's patients that didn't have a car. Good thing I didn't!

A couple days later, this couple was charged for murder of a teenage girl in St. Johns. It turns out they had come to the office after brutally murdering a girl. Ya, I'd probably be sick too.

Ya, Professor Cutchins. I've had an experience when I have been deceived by someone!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Wake up wake up!

Remember in Kentucky when Mom would come in each morning blasting Sister Hazel "All for You"? Ya, I'm listening to it right now. She was a lot nicer than Dad who would come in singing "Roll out the barrel" or "Rise and shout" He would give you like POINT TWO seconds to get out of bed and if you weren't up....prepare for an entire glass of water being tossed into your covers. Ick. I choose Sister Hazel!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

I got a Gal I do

Rachie and I decided it would be really cool to collect the lyrics to all the fun family songs we sing. Here's the first one!

I got a gal I do
Her name is Slough foot Sue
She’s chief engineer at the shirttail laundry
Down by the river side blue

Her farm is all she had with a face like a soft shell crab
All day she would tussle with her feather in her bustle
My gosh but she was bad

That’s where my money goes to buy my baby clothes
I buy her everything to keep her in style wella wella wella
She’s worth her weight in gold by coal black baby
Say boys that’s where my money goes

I promised I’d meet her with the clock striked seventeen
At the stockyard just three miles out of town
Where pig’s eyes and hog’s ears and tough old Texas steer
Sell for sirloin steak at 90 cents a pound

She’s my honey my baby
She’s humpbacked she crazy
She’s lantern-jawed, she’s knock-kneed and she’s lame
And I know her teeth are phony from eating strong bologna
She’s my lop-eared consumptive Mary Jane

Friday, February 25, 2011

Hamblin Family Traditions

I love our once a month get togethers for family home evening with the whole family. i LOVE singing our old family traditional songs. "Whoa Mule Whoa," and "I've Got a Gal I Do."..... and of course all of our songs with rounds.

The cycle of our family get togethers usually goes along these lines...

The Uncles are chosen to lead the separate groups and give us the pitch. One brother gives the pitch..but no..."That's too Low."...Eric says trying to reassure that he is the correct brother. but without fail Scott remarks "No...Eric...We're not all sopranos here." It takes a few more times as The Brothers hum their pitch and finally agree on one. Once we start there's no stopping. As you look around room you can see the 24 cousins. The young cousins are wailing pitchy words to a yelling kind of tune as they punch, poke and giggle as they cause their usual ruckus. They become more hyper and out of control with each belted word. The older cousins are slouching over and barely getting the words out. You can see the expression of...well not really anything. You can look from Merrill to Steve, to Scott---...all with looks of concern on their face that their group is flying out of hand and torturing the songs that they have have put together for THE FHE song. all of a sudden.......OKAY.STOP! We need to start over.
Uncle Steve is usually the one that puts us to the halt. It takes about a minute for everyone to realize that half of us have stopped singing. .....An again..we begin the tortuous, but pleasant family song. We spend the next half an hour continuing with rounds of songs trying "to make up for the last one", until finally we agree to just sing a song that doesn't require so much thinking, so as not to strain the Uncles' brains too much.

I want that!

Remember when we used to watch TV and EVERY  single commercial that advertised any kind of toy, Rachel and Blake would yell out, "I want that, I want that, I want that!" I mean every time. It never failed. 

Thursday, February 24, 2011

computer camera

the apple computers have this certain camera that can morph your face into almost anything you can think of!




So dad had a Valentines lunch at the office for some patients on Valentines Day ( they were older patients). So that night during family prayer mom had the pleasure of saying it. she was doing really well until she said.
"we are thankful that we could have the old people for lunch"
yet again we busted up and had to stop the prayer. :)
CANNIBAL ?.........-----i think yes


Last week lieke e-mailed us and was talking about how her mom got surgery on her sinuses. dad just started laughing so hard and he turned to mom and i and said.
"lets ask her... HOWS YOUR SHNOZ!?!?!?!?"
he just kept on laughing for like 20 mins! he thought he was funny :)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Ducks and Chicks!!!!

we often refer to our experiences of trying to raise our colored ducks and chickens we would get for Easter. I guess you could say the ducks and chicks we got represented our personalities.

BLAKIE- Her we always the energetic ones...kind of psycho. They usually did what they wanted, but were quick and playful.
JESS- Jess's always had to be the matter what. Hers were the older and wisest ones. They were well tamed. :) ha
As for ME- They describe them as....slow and fat-and not knowing where to go. Lost. Oblivious I guess.
They say EVERY time we have ever gotten a duck or chic they have all turned out to be like this. Well, if we ever get another one I will prove them wrong!

Another Tribute to the Good Ole' Grey Truck by Rachie

There are three brief adventures I remember through my high school years and those..involving the TRUCK....

1. A few years earlier, Trever Nicoll took off the tailgate to ask Jess to a Homecoming dance. During my Senior year Blake and I were driving the truck down past Grandma Anne's house and all of a sudden I hear a horrid scraping noise. I peer out of my rear view window and what do I see? The metal holding my tailgate on has simply broken off and it's draggin hardcore down the road!! Oh my goodness... What do you do?......Keep happens all the time?

2. The truck has been in the family for quite awhile and has endure through..well let's just say some fun times. One day I guess the truck decided to rebel against me. There had been a few brake ins in the school parking lot including our truck. The next day I thought I would be smart and actually lock my truck for the first time. Bad idea. I come out to the car after school and proceed to unlock the car. It's stuck. I jiggle the handle and keep trying. That's not embarrassing. No. Not at all right. I go to the other door and continue my worthless endeavor. Nothing. It's been about twenty minutes and now there is no one in the parking lot. I call Mom for a ride home. Later that night Dad and I go to pursue this thing. We bring a metal hanger to break in. We get there and Dad starts taking out the window and breaks out his "breaking in" skills. We're trying all kinds of methods...guessing Dad had some experience or something??? Anyway, it didn't work. Mom called someone and they said that the key no longer locked that vehicle and that new keys had to be made. Sweet! Know I can lock my truck with the key that I'm supposed to.

3.Our grey little truck is a 1965 Nissan Truck. It has been through many years of teenage years. You know what that means. One day Blake and I were driving 40 down Main and suddenly there are sparks flying out from the back of the car? Not the tailgate again....I look back and LO AND BEHOLD there's this thing draggin asphalt...It sounds wretched, not mentioning that it has been draggin for awhile now. Blake and I start freaking out a little because we have no clue what part of the truck that could possibly be. What if the truck catches on fire and blows up?.... Shoot I pulled over, parked...and Blake and I ran. After about twenty seconds I realize how ridiculous this might look..two random girls running down main with a deserted truck parked in the middle of a field. When I pulled over it was the closest place I could!....which happened to be in the middle of the field next to Dr. heap's office. While telling Jess about this experience and responding what I did i said, "I parked on the freaking side of the road!." ha..haha We gained courage to walk back. I took a picture to remember this and then a truck with two older looking gentleman stopped, leaned out the window and began explaining that our transmission had fallen off. Really? Really?....oh sheesh. We left that truck there. Deserted. And got a ride with someone else. It really turned to be the exhaust pipe...or something. It works still.
Bench is a bad word!!!!! When I was young, I was convinced that bench was the B you said that word you would have to differentiate it by stating it how you were going to use it. Jess and Blake still make fun of me to this day.