Thursday, April 14, 2011

3 Eyelashes.

Today I heard a commercial for stuff that makes your eyelashes grow. Remember that one time when I ripped out all my eyelashes with my eyelash curler? (those things are vicious!) It was quite a traumatic experience for me. It's a weird situation; you don't want to not wear makeup, but then you have one eye with a full set of eyelashes and another eye with like 3. You can't just wear one eye with mascara.....

I won't lie, I wore mascara on both hoping no one would notice. Every morning I delicately brushed mascara on my sparse set of lashes trying not to get mascara all over my eyelid. Horrible horrible couple of months. I remember mom coming to visit me in the colony. The first thing she said to me was, "What happened to your eyelashes?!" Thanks mom.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Kenny G

We listened to Kenny G a lot. I heard one of his songs today and it took me back to late night road trips in our bubble van. We would take the seats out of the middle of it and make a little bed for us. I remember driving to Eagar once. It was late at night and I was just gazing at the stars. Kenny G was playing. It was so peaceful. I always thought that Papa and Grandpa Don were in the stars. Mmmm Kenny G!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I just popped a gum ball in my mouth a few seconds ago. Yep, we still got leftovers from the reception. Anyway, I was immediately taken back to Gumpma and Granny Margaret's cute little pink house house. Granny Margaret always had bleeding hearts, the plant of course, planted along with her roses. But remember their cool gum ball machine? They would always give us pennies while we were visiting so we could get some of that scrumptiousness. The pink ones were always my favorite. Or was it the white? Either way, I miss that. 

We also had ninja turtle plastic chairs--we would all gather outside on the lawn in our lawn chairs to watch the sunset. We would pick fresh peas and raspberries. They always had those delicious popsicles --the kind that split down the middle. The blue were my favorite. Granny also had those old little figurines--2 of them were small deer---random. We would play with those things all the time. 

Granny Margaret always made her potato salad and fried chicken and we would set up the picnic table outside. MMMMMM! Then for dessert if we were lucky we would have her homemade ice cream cake. 

So many lovely memories!

Brer Rabbit

I loved loved when Dad would read to us at nights. Especially when he busted out the Brer Rabbit stories. Dad had the best accent for those stories and the story of the Tar Baby is the one that I remember the most. I also remember Where the Red Fern Grows and Sounder. They all bring back the wonderful, peaceful, lightning bug-filled summer nights in Kentucky. I miss those days!


A couple weeks ago Dad was visiting Andy and I. He had come up for a conference. It just so happened that there was a basketball game on the weekend he was here. It was so fun! The atmosphere of a BYU basketball game is incredible. Plus, we got to watch Jimmer play! Wooo hooooo! During half time, the Cougarettes (the BYU dance team) performed. They are 8 time national champs. Obviously they are pretty good. Well, Dad was just glued to their half time show. After they were finished he let out a big "PHHHEWWW! That was technically sound!" It was probably one of the funniest things. Andy and I still say it. Dad knows what's up!